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What’s Your Blood Type

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by dindunz
jadi begini ceritanya..minggu lalu gw dapet imel tentang gol2 darah..ngebaca imel itu bikin gw dan temen sebelah gw (hihihi sekarang gak sebelahan lagi deng, kita udah dipisahhh, hikss dia di depan gua d belakang) ngakak2 cekikikan be-2..ampun dah..percisss sama..yaaa nyerempet2 lah…dan pas banget besokannya kita janjian be-2…hhh yang ada kita cuman bisa pandang2an gak yakin dengan rencana besok, kekekek>>tapi jadi juga kok, walo akhirnya molor dari waktu janjian><. eh tau2nya pas lagi blogwalking nemu juga ada yang posting sama..ini bener2 cuma gw copy paste aja, sumber aslinya dari sini. jadi gimana, sama gak sama kepribadian masing2??
I really wonder who made this stupid cute comic….I really want to know….Anybody know the source of this comic please let me know….
The first comic tells you about how AB thinks differently, actually in my life I rarely meet AB so I really didn’t know whether this would be true or not.
AB Blood Type way of Thinking
The second comic is about how he thinks themselves in the crowd. A define as a low back guy, B is prefer to be in the center of attention, O is the kind of people who can’t find his place in the crowd, and AB considered as weird guy who is antisocial and prefer to play with his own mind
Blood Type Preferred Spots
The next comic is defining how blood type are different in handling problem, A defined as dilligent people and truly working what she asked, B defined as the guy that don’t take serious in his job and concentrate on end results, O defined as a procrastinator, and AB defined as an ass…hahahaha….
Blood Type and Responsibility
The Fourth Comic is describing how people with different blood type expressing about other people. A is described as the type of people who always care about self image and others image. B described as an ignorant toward this kind of things. O is described as a fast speaker. and AB described as the rationalist among them with ruthless ego.
Different attitude toward problem
The next comic describe how bloodtype different when driving a car.
Bloodtype driving Car
The next comic describing how every bloodtype different in time management.
Blood Type and Time Management
The next comic is one very interesting comic about how different bloodtype think differently in one problem. A define as one person that is always serious about something, B is define as the wild, O is the type who always agree in front of others but actually thinking differently when nobody is around and AB is the biggest ass…hahahahaa..
Rules and Bloodtypes
This last comic describes how different blood types differ in complaining.
Blood Tyoe and Complains
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